How to Use Your iPhone Like a BOSS, Part I
Don't let your iPhone take control of you. Take control of your iPhone. (I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds awesome.)1. First and foremost, take care of your iPhone (or any phone, for that matter). Don't just throw it around or throw things at it. Slap a screen protector on it, and encase it in something that's not a used plastic baggie. (Where to buy?) Wipe your hands of dirt + food before tapping on it. Once you've mastered that, you've not only entered adulthood, but you can read on to #2.2. BACK THAT THANG UP. Unfortunately, people rob people, people lose things, people break things, and liquids spill. So plug your iPhone into your computer and open iTunes, and follow these directions. Make this a weekly or monthly routine. You could also sign up for iCloud storage, which is found in the same article above. You're a super adult now.3. First, lock your phone! Then, use that fingerprint thingy (iPhone 5s and up). Settings > Touch ID & Password. Basically, you press a finger (however many fingers you want is up to you, maybe your Thumb Toe) onto the home button. It reads your fingerprint and unlocks your phone automatically. Now you're James (or Jamie) Bond.4. Keep your texts private. If you have people constantly reading over your shoulder and need a little privacy, go to Settings > Notifications > Messages > Show Previews. Turn it off. This makes things a little more exciting, sometimes. Wo(man) of Mystery, you are.5. In an important date/meeting (nap) and don't want to be disturbed? Turn on Do Not Disturb. If anyone tries to call/text you, you won't hear it. If you look at LJ's previous shortcut post, from any screen, swipe up from the center bottom of the screen. Select the crescent moon icon. Slick.6. Saw a notification pop up briefly but lost it? Don't fret. From the top centre (Britishly Bond style) of the screen, swipe down. It’s magic.Be on the lookout for Part II, when things get a little more ninja and less dinosaur.