Watched Over by the Gods, they Unleashed their Fury: Start Menu vs. Taskbar

This a nitpicky topic for me, but it is one I’ve grown to feel strongly about since the Windows 10 renaissance. For decades, I stored all my most-used programs on the Taskbar and only opened the Start Menu to induce artificial rage or look for the Snipping Tool. Old age has cooled my fiery soul, however, to an extent that allowed me to see past the blinding smoke obscuring the Start Menu’s lush valleys of potential. In my current setup all programs are launched via the Start Menu, leaving the entire Taskbar open for displaying programs.WVD desktopThis setup allows for cohesive sorting of applications based on categories that you specify, while also keeping your Taskbar from becoming cluttered by programs that aren’t open. Combine this with some Taskbar setting tweaks for multiple monitors (accessible via right-clicking the taskbar and selecting Properties) to reach true window management enlightenment. Discover true self through the pseudo-Zen practice of Start Menu organization.2


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