Tips From a Traveler Who is NO EXPERT at Traveling
Happy post-Labor Day weekend! You may not think that last sentence deserved a bang (exclamation mark) – I’m right there with you. Here you are on a Wednesday, reading BoaC’s newest blog post after a long weekend in which you may have traveled (or travelled? One L or two?). How did that go? Didja have fun? Are you in the midst of unpacking?As for me, I am refreshed and excited for this upcoming weekend; I’ll be taking a trip to the Northwest – Portland, OR. I’m writing this post with 9 days to go and of course, I’m already prepping, as I am a planner at heart. What to pack? What to do/eat/drink/see/go?With traveling on the brain, and naturally, wanting to give my unsolicited advice, here are some tips that might help for your next adventure…
- MAKE A LIST – (For those who don’t make lists, don’t be intimidated. Go over to your coffee table, grab the first piece of junk mail you find, and start writing. Don’t make it a big deal.) I personally have a packing list saved as a draft email. Yes, there are obvious things to pack like “Clothes. Toothbrush.” But what about: Pajamas, Sunglasses, Medicine, Sunscreen, Travel Pillow? The more crap you write down, the less cluttered your head is. And the less you forget.
- PACK LIGHT – Obviously, the LESS you pack, the easier it is to carry your luggage. (Make a list of what you’re wearing each day to what activity – this doesn’t have to be a permanent, MUST-WEAR-AT-3PM list.) Maybe bring 1-2 extra shirts that can be worn with different bottoms. No need to bring 10 pairs of socks when you’ll be there for 3 days. Cut the fat and carry less of your entire wardrobe.
- PHONE – This is probably already your best travel companion. Download your airline ticket to your phone (handy, as well as paperless). Download your destination city’s public transportation app if it has one. Use Apple/Google maps and Yelp! And don’t forget its best friend: PHONE CHARGER.
- CARRY-ON – The carry-on does make a difference, time-wise. Sometimes, it’s not doable for extended stays, and that’s okay. That doesn’t mean filling your check-in bag to the brim with stuff you don’t need. As far as the “extra item/purse/backpack” to carry on – keep only what you need during flight to a minimum, i.e. iPad, headphones, snacks, book/magazine – that’s it. If you’re going on a 2-hour flight, you don’t need ALL of those things. Pick a few activities only. Hey, you might just fall asleep.
- TO-DO’s – Make a list of where you want to go, then prioritize. Have a rough plan prior to the trip – there is nothing more frustrating than wasting the day trying to decide what to do. Hit the places that are near one another on one day, and try another area the next. Also, be flexible. If you’ve seen those important places and you’re tired, REST! Or hey, the weather might not be cooperating. You’ll get ‘em next time, tiger. You may also end up on a path that you didn’t plan for, which could be the best part of your trip.
- THE LOCALS – If you don’t have friends or friends of friends in your vacation spot, maybe consider talking to the locals, if they’re friendly. Spots off the beaten path are the best since they’re not tore up from the floor up with tourists!
I love traveling. For me, it’s not only about exploring new places and experiencing new things, but also how you adapt to your surroundings. How do you handle challenges in an unknown place? (like an unknown operating system?) You might just learn a bit about yourself along the way.