Add to your List: Black Mirror
As we head into hibernation season, we more or less become cooped up inside to snuggle under the covers and binge watch anything and everything. One show I recommend is Black Mirror (Netflix). (Warning: this show is not for the fainthearted. Taking breaks to regain belief in humanity and staying far away from your phone or computer is highly suggested!)Without giving away too much, the series is set in the future, and focuses on a society affected by advances in technology relating to social media, drones, virtual reality, electronic implants, and highly robust programs, among other things. Just a small part of what makes this show interesting and disturbing at the same time is how realistic each setting is, as well as how real each technology could become. None of the episodes have a crazy-haired scientist behind the wheel of a flying vehicle running on garbage. On the other hand, a large part of what makes this show interesting and disturbing at the same time is its effect on society, values, humanity, life + death - all things that are obviously, very real. Kind of like Inception, it's blown my mind and made me lose a little sleep.So, HAVE SO MUCH FUN WITH THAT! Honestly, this show could force you to take a step back and gain perspective, which is good for the brain. Also, you might want to delete Facebook and cover up that laptop camera afterward.Below are a few of my personal favorites, in random order:San Junipero (Season 3, Episode 4)Fifteen Million Merits (Season 1, Episode 2)The Entire History of You (Season 1, Episode 3)