The “New” Thing Called Twitter

You know that social media site called Twitter that a lot of people have been lusting about over the past decade? The one with temper tantrum throwing twitterers? I’ve been tasked to write about this because I think my very high usage of Twitter made me an easy target.Let’s start with the basics: What is it?Twitter is known as a micro-blogging site. I love that definition, by the way. You have your micro-blog which also can interact with other micro-blogs. It began with people posting about anything they wanted, be it politics, sport, cooking, fashion, etc. And the website grew (and grows) with every interaction.Instant Gratification and CommunityIf I’m watching a game and something wild happens, it’s fun to follow reactions on Twitter. I can’t think of a world without Twitter when it comes to breaking news. Before Twitter, celebrities and other well-known people were separated from us ‘ordinary people,’ but now, we’ve come together on one platform. Unhappy with products you’ve purchased? You can complain to airlines, hotels, restaurants, or retailers by simply tagging them in your post.Social Media Guidelines Still ApplyNow that you’ve heard all my cheerleading, it’s time to get to the we-can’t-have-nice-things part of this blog. For whatever reason, when some people get behind computers/phones they do dumb things. Twitter is no exception to that. Stay away from following people you don’t like on Twitter. Like driving a car, don’t tweet after drinking. Twitter is VERY public – it will haunt you. People (or bots) may try to bully you, so if you’re going to reply to a popular post, you might need thicker skin.I probably use the platform too much, but it’s become like a hobby. When I see a tweet, it’s something new and fresh - I like that. Whether I believe an opinion or not, it’s always healthy to also know how other people feel about it. Also, people are hilarious on Twitter! If you don’t already have an account, create one and give it a chance. If you already have one, follow more people.


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