How to Survive the Holidays
Tis the season, folks! For some, it’s the “most wonderful” time of the year… and for some, not so much. Here are few tips on how to make it to 2020.Take a BreatherFeeling irritable? Blood boiling? Step outside or take a fake bathroom break. Start to take full, slow, deep breaths in and out. Try this for one minute. If you need more time (and some useful tips), click here. This will give you time to pause and think before you react.Make Yourself UsefulInstead of getting yourself stuck in awkward conversation, make yourself useful! Busy yourself with cooking, hanging decorations, an emergency grocery errand, or playing with the kids.Have an Exit StrategyIf you’re dreading going to a party but are obligated to attend, have some exits strategies ready. Maybe you have another house to go to, or you have to relieve your sitter. Consider mentioning to the host that you can only stop by.Most Importantly (and the point of this blog): Take Care of YourselfI think we forget that we can draw boundaries to protect our well-being or just say no. While this might seem like a cop out, sometimes it’s just not worth the stress. You don’t have to go to ALL the parties. Do what you can. Giving all your energy to everyone and keeping sane is exhausting. Relax and kickback when you can!Enjoy your precious time throughout the holiday season!