Contact Tracing Apps: State Sponsored Privacy Intrusion

There has been a bit of media attention regarding contact tracing and some of the phone apps that are purported to aid in tracing COVID exposure and find possible cases. While at first glance, some may find these applications useful in determining where infected people may have contributed to spread (largely by not wearing masks), there is a definite cost to privacy that comes with usage of such “people tracking” applications. Let’s look at it in the simplest terms:

  1. By using these apps, your movement and travel is being actively tracked.
  2. This movement data is then stored in databases to be reviewed at any time.
  3. This data is being stored by private companies; companies that have no true vested interest in anything but generation of revenue.

That last part is important. Private companies have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted to do anything but make money. Any altruistic lip service they provide as an excuse to gather your data should be regarded as nothing more than that; lip service. The analogy I commonly use when it comes to private companies and their motives/access to personal data goes like this: How would you feel if the CIA had created Facebook? Would you be less likely to use it?My argument is it shouldn’t matter. If you balk at the idea of a government agency warehousing your personal data, then you should be especially concerned when a private company (not bound by privacy and warrant-less search and seizure laws) does the same thing. Certainly true under the guise of “helping” for free.If you want to take part in the fight against COVID, a much more logical and effective way to do so would be the simple and considerate act of wearing a mask and social distancing. It has the added benefit of not costing you a thing with regards to privacy AND it actually prevents the spread.What could be more patriotic than an act that demonstrates you care about your fellow Americans while at the same time refusing to give free information to the government?


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