Welcome to the Hard Drive Show

*Will walks out on stage to uproarious applause, gesticulating wildly and blowing kisses to the crowd*Thank you, thank you, you’re all too kind, but can you keep it down a bit (insert rimshot)? I’m just kidding folks! Hope you’re having a wonderful evening… now, let’s get right into it.Have you heard of this Treesize Free program? Have you seen this, have you heard about this, why is nobody talking about this? It’s a wonderful little program you can install on your Windows PC that allows you to visualize what’s stored on your hard drive. This can also help to determine what can be cleaned up. Maybe if I had found out about this a little earlier, I could remove the EX- from EX-WIFE (queue applause sign). But seriously folks, if you aren’t using it, you really should be. You just download it from the Jam Software website, pop it on your computer, and off you go! Just make sure you aren’t moving/deleting anything that you don’t recognize unless you’re looking to turn that personal computer into a 10-pound paperweight (queue applause sign, also rimshot).If you’re more of a Mac type of person (brief pause for knowing look directed at the in-house band), then Daisy Disk is the way to go. It’s less user-friendly and costs a bit of money, but you can use the free trial in a pinch to save some money for the divorce proceedings (instant winner, no applause sign needed). Same rules apply though: don’t delete anything if you don’t know what it is.And that’s a wrap folks! I know it was a short show tonight, but that just gives you more time to explore these wonderful products (off-color joke removed for PG audience). Have a spectacular evening!


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TTT (Tech Talk Tips)