Feeling Nostalgic
A month or so ago, the Birds and I were cleaning out a client’s IT closet. You can guess how this goes. We discovered very old cables plugged into equipment that’s powered off. We cut old phone lines connected into old 66 blocks. And once a voicemail server was moved out of the way (yes, you read that correctly), it revealed a very dusty counter space. Cue the recycling guy and the space will shine bright like it’s 2021.Along the way I found a set of diskettes to install Windows 95. And then rummaging through my own office, I found a CD-ROM installer for Windows 98. Because why throw that away?So then I took it to Google. For no real reason I wondered what The Internet has to say about Windows 98, and it turns out that it says quite a lot! And even better, let’s you play a lot.Want to remember what it’s like? Click here where you can actually play Minesweeper just like you used to. Or click here if you want a more complete emulation.Can you stand it for more than five minutes? I couldn’t. And yet those installer disks remain alive and well.