Art Breeder
Art BreederI was recently introduced to the website, which leverages AI to manipulate pictures based on sliders to create new, beautiful works of art. At least that’s what it is on paper. More realistically, it’s a great place to create abominations to show your friends. I was going to run one of my pictures through it, but I don’t want to wait for the website to process. Instead, we’re going to use this random image somebody else uploaded. I’ll name him Adam.What a handsome, jovial man. But you may be asking yourself “what if he wasn’t in such a good mood?” Well, with Art Breeder, we can just crank up the Angry slider and work a little magic. Here he is at 35% angry.
Huh, that didn’t really work. Maybe the AI needs to do a bit more learning before it’s ready to tackle fine-tuned emotions. Maybe it’s better at extrapolating feature changes with age. Let’s lower the age slider a bit.
Honestly, seems pretty good. Everyone had a chinstrap and beef jerky hair glitch around this age. Let’s keep this and try seeing what his side profiles look like. We’ll adjust the yaw to 100% and -100% respectively.
There are some facial hair discrepancies, but we can probably chock that up to lighting. Very cool that he has such unique side profiles though. Lastly, let’s get a little wild. My side profile from the Birds website finally finished uploading, so we’re going to combine it with Adam’s picture, get rid of the facial hair, open the mouth and eyes a bit, and lower the “Art” slider to get more of a realistic picture. I think the result turned out as expected. Not sure where the chard background came from though.
In short, Art Breeder is a fun toy to mess around with. It should at least be noted that there are larger ethical questions surrounding AI art generators/manipulators like this, but I’m not going to fault you if you want to have a little fun.