Have you ever been nervous about giving out your credit card information online? I have! It always feels a little sketchy when you're entering sensitive financial details into a website you're not familiar with. I also sometimes forget to cancel subscriptions when I no longer use them. Not good. A few weeks ago, I got hit with a $300+ charge for a FuboTV subscription that I had completely forgotten about. I knew I had to do something to avoid this kind of situation in the future.That's when I discovered It's a service that lets you create virtual credit cards for online purchases, and it's been a lifesaver for me. Now, when I sign up for a subscription service, I create a virtual card and link it to my account. This way, if I forget to cancel my subscription, I won't get hit with a big charge. It also keeps my card and personal information private.My experience so far has been really positive. It's super easy to use - all you have to do is sign up for an account, link it to your bank account, and create a virtual card for your subscription service or online shopping. You can even set spending limits on your virtual card, so you don't have to worry about overspending or forgetting to cancel your subscription.
Since I started using this service, I haven't had any unexpected charges on my credit card. It's a great way to manage your online purchases and protect your finances. If you're like me and forget to cancel subscriptions or feel unsafe entering your credit card into unfamiliar websites, I highly recommend trying Privacy.