All About Will, a Very Special Blog Post

William < Will < WVD < Willy-VToday marks Will’s 9TH year with Birds on a Cable. While I can’t speak for him, I imagine there have been some pretty high highs and a few low lows. As with any tenured job, BOAC has put him through the wringer, but he’s made it out the other side a better Bird and made me a better Bird, too.Will and I (Laura < LJ) are the oldest Birds. This little company has been around for 11 years, and on some days, that feels like a lifetime. For Will to be at my side through 9 of those years, well, that’s much longer than most relationships last. Thank goodness I enjoy working with Will. And I’m thankful to still be working with Will. So, on his Birdversary, I thought I might share a few memories and a little bit about what makes him great.In his cover letter, Will wrote that the transition from his previous gig “would be fairly seamless and easy.” Some attitudes never change. Will is an optimist; all projects are “fairly seamless and easy” and “nothing could go wrong.” You have a complicated and difficult project? Not anymore. Just ask Will.I interviewed Will at Sip Coffee House (RIP). This was near BOAC’s first office, so I walked there early in the afternoon. It was a sunny day, Will was on time, and we sat outside on their lovely patio. Then things got a little weird. He ordered a hot tea (this is summer, mind you), and he had a tear in his slip-on shoe. But on the tech side, well, he was solid.Oh, are you still wondering? He got the job! Why? Probably because he emailed me a thank you. Will has always been thoughtful like that.The rest is a beautiful history. There have been so many unusual circumstances, technical oddities, and weird client behaviors (no not you, don’t worry) that we’ve sported through over all these years. I wish for many more.Cheers to you, Willy-V!! !


A (Somewhat) Fancy Watch

