Got Tech Neck?

Unfortunately, this isn’t a cool, revolutionary Apple device; it’s an evolutionary sacrifice on people’s necks from being on devices a lot. Long, long ago, I wrote a blog post about this, but I think we need a refresh. Here are a few tricks on how to keep that Quasi Modo hump from forming:

The SCM Stretch
This is a more targeted version of the neck stretch from a blog time ago. The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) gets cranky, so to release it, sit up tall in a chair. Tilt your head to the right (right ear to right shoulder). Pin your left hand under your leg or grab the side of the chair. Lift your chin up. To deepen it, carefully place your hand on your head and pull back and to the right. Don’t forget the other side!

Look Up!
The head moves forward and down when we’re on our devices. So take a break! Sit up tall (which should pull your chin back), look up, and gently paint the ceiling with your nose from side to side (short movements). It helps to regain that natural curve in your neck. Also, you can lay on your bed so that your neck is supported at the edge and your head is off the edge.

Chest Stretches
On the floor, lay on a firm couch cushion so that it’s vertical to your spine. Let your arms lay in a T shape, or even better, in a cactus arm shape (saguaro if you’re curious; aka goal post arms). Stay there and breathe…for a while. Otherwise, stand in a doorway. Place one or both of your forearms on the vertical edges of the doorway and push your chest through your arms (like this).

Happy stretching!


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Basilisk 2000