PSA: Juice Hacking
Hello! How is your 2021 going so far? Cheers to the New Year!… okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s discuss a new hack that has come to my attention. It’s called “Juice Hacking” and only recently came on my radar. Juice Hacking occurs when you plug your phone into a “public charger,” expecting simply to recharge your battery. But instead, your phone is connected to a computer and your data is accessed or stolen. Yikes! I have definitely plugged my phone into a public charger a million times and didn't think twice about it, so consider this an important PSA.Now let me be clear: not all public charging stations are compromised. Try not to freak out if you have plugged into a random charger in the past, because you’re likely fine. But to stay safe, here are some ways to keep yourself protected from Juice Hacking:
Make sure your phone is fully charged before you leave the house.
Keep a security PIN lock on your phone.
Carry your own charger with you.
If you are desperate and some need juice, turn off your phone before plugging it into a public charger.
I hope this is helpful. It seems especially important as I assume some people will start traveling again soon, which is likely where you’ll find one of these kiosks. And, remember that your phone being compromised is a much worse situation than your phone dying for a few hours.