How To Do Some Basic Video Editing

A worm burrowed its way into my brain a couple of days ago, after I watched a video of Jay Leno and Bob Riggle flipping a modded Plymouth Barracuda (for those concerned, no one was hurt). The footage of the flip was played up to the point of being funny to me and, being the guy I am and not knowing what else to write about, I decided it might be fun to play it up a bit more.

I’m not much of a video editor, but I’ll occasionally use a program called Openshot to make basic modifications to a video or export it in a different format. In this case, I grabbed the video off Youtube, dropped it into a new project, and then dragged it down to the first track. This makes the video appear in the preview, where you can play it to the point where you want to edit. You can also drag the red indicator around on the timeline or use the arrow keys on your keyboard for more granular movement through the video.

Once you’ve identified where you want to split the video, you can right-click the red indicator on the timeline to slice it. I ended up cutting it in a couple of places, selecting the portion in the middle, then using Ctrl +C and Ctrl + V to make copies of the section.

After making a handful of copies of a single section, I sliced each one a bit more, so the footage didn’t look exactly the same each time.

Once I had all the copies the way I wanted them, I dragged them back up to “track5” in the order I wanted.

From here, you can save the project if you think you’ll want to make more adjustments in the future. If not, go ahead and hit the Export Video button along the top bar. You may need to fiddle with the export settings, most notably the video profile. I used FHD 1080p 30fps because it matched the original video.

For those interested, here is the finished product!


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