How Computer Security is like a Zombie Apocalypse, and How It’s Not


If you’ve watched shows like The Walking Dead, or seen movies like 28 Days Later, you undoubtedly are aware of the prevalent tension that exists in those worlds. The survivors are under a constant threat of attack from zombies and other humans. Every day becomes more and more bleak as their defenses, patience, and mental health are slowly eroded by constant loss and sacrifice. This is not unlike the world of computer security.



As I’m walking home one day, my phone dies.  Then the anxiety sets in. Why did my phone just die? I swear my battery was at 25%. Is it broken? What if someone texts? These worries run through my head as I walk the next few quiet blocks home. As soon as I walk in the door I race to my charger to plug it in. My phone boots up, and I feel relief.  I immediately check twitter/Instagram/etc. to see what I’ve missed. This is my mindset these days. Why couldn’t I enjoy a walk home without distraction? Why couldn’t I remain unplugged, on a nice night? It’s because I have a problem.