Microsoft Office 365 Business Add-Ons

Recently, a user asked me about a Microsoft Office business add-on called FindTime, and frankly, I had no idea what it was. Naturally, I became curious and started digging into the Office add-ons in AppSource. It’s an area I’m somewhat familiar with but never utilized. You might be thinking, “what do I need another app for?” and that was my feeling as well. But during my research, I was pleasantly surprised with the value some of these apps provide to productivity and workflow. Here’s a list of some I find useful:

FIDO: Tell Passwords to Go Fetch!

Have you ever forgotten a password? If your answer is no, I can only assume you’re either lying or Marilu Henner. Passwords are the ultimate compromise in security: they are a lock where the key is only supposed to be known by some, but the lock itself has no way to enforce this. Original computers implemented them so that people working on massive mainframes could segregate their programs and files from others using the same machine. Nowadays, we have passwords on phones, computers, email, and hundreds of accounts, such that it becomes nearly impossible to remember them all without a system or without reusing them.

Ethernet Over Power

After recently moving into a new house, one of the biggest pain points for me was losing pre-installed ethernet runs throughout my living space. Wifi is generally fine for most people, but as a Power User, I need to have a constant, uninterrupted stream of data between my various network devices, or the earth will fold in on itself, creating a Bizarro World where everyone swerves to hit the potholes and it’s acceptable to put ketchup on things again. So rather than go through the costly and/or time-consuming process of running ethernet, I decided to try ethernet-over-power.