T-Mobile Data Hack

You may not have heard, because for some reason these major events are rarely covered: T-Mobile had a massive data breach. They’ve confirmed that over 50 million people are affected, but some reports believe that it’s double that number, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. This breach wasn’t just names and emails either, it included first and last names, birthdates, Social Security numbers, and driver’s license information. But there’s good news! No credit card or debit card numbers per T-Mobile. Sorry while I roll my eyes.

Snip N Sketch

I wrote about using Greenshot nearly five years ago, and I still stand by it as an excellent program, but I know some people would rather not clutter their toolbar with additional icons. If that’s the case for you and you’re using Windows 10 (you should be at this point), then the Snip & Sketch tool is the way to go. It is installed automatically alongside Windows 10 and comes with a number of improvements over the classic Snipping Tool:



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