The Arrival of A.I. (No-One Is Ready For It)


There has always been a lot of talk of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) within the tech community; a blend of fantasy and anxious anticipation for all the things it could do for humanity. From the start of the Industrial Age, humans have imagined a time in which machines and robots perform our mundane tasks. We dreamed of robots to clean our homes, tend to our crops, assist us in late age. In a lot of ways, these are all great things and we have practically arrived at this new reality. Albeit without the humanoid robots walking around restaurants asking us if we’d like more coffee…

Face Pulls: An Exercise


I’m bad about doing exercise that work the muscles of the back outside of whole-body movements like deadlift. It’s much easier to perform an exercise confidently when you can see what you’re doing and make adjustments, a la bicep curls or squats, but working things on the backside of your body is an entirely different beast. Compound that difficulty with something like an imbalance or injury and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe long-term gym morose. This is why I tend to incorporate additional simple prehabilitation movements to address imbalances as needed. The face pull is one such exercise, and one that most people should probably be doing with some frequency.

Bye, Chicago!


I always to try to write my blog post using the following criteria: 1) something [somewhat] tech-related 2) what’s currently happening in life 3) something I’m interested in sharing.  For me, these rules help keep it true to heart, which makes blogging so much easier.  Though #1 may not qualify for this specific post, I wanted to share that I am moving to Portland, OR toward the end of April!  Lucky for me, I get to keep my job as a Bird, which seems to be one of the only constants in this big life change.  36 years is enough time in IL – it’s time to extend my swing span!