Data Security and Microsoft Office 365

With more and more businesses moving into Office 365, data security is becoming a little neglected. While convenience helps productivity, it can also hurt security. Essentially, Office 365 is a user’s mobile server that can be accessed from any device with internet. This has inevitably led to entirely new levels of security concern. Here are some easy-to-implement tools your business can employ to safeguard data.

Homemade Kombucha

Since moving to Chicago, I would guess that at least 75% of my frivolous buys have been consumables. “15 dollars for this burger at lunch today is probably fine. Definitely won’t do it again tomorrow;” and, “Cat will really appreciate these Oreos I got her. Or she would have if I hadn’t hidden them and eaten the whole sleeve on the sly,” are two commonly-seen scenarios in the VanDyke realm. Despite that, I’ve been trying to offset those costs by homebrewing the staple drink of any household, Kombucha.

The Illusion of Free Will

If you are reading this right now it is not because you decided to. I did not decide to write this. Obviously, I did write it, and you are now reading it so how did this happen if neither of us made these decisions? Don’t worry I will tell you, but only because I literally have no choice, or at least that is the argument made in a very thought-provoking book I picked up a while back.

Welcome to the Flock!

I’d like to introduce a new member to the Birds Family. Before you ask, no, Kerry isn’t expecting a baby. We got a puppy! His name is Wesley, and he’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. You can follow him on Instagram. Yep, he’s just a little guy (Laura has referred to him as a toy dog 😐) but I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s a big dog because the bigger the dog he meets the more he wants to play. He’s very courageous, to say the least, and perfectly-sized for our Chicago apartment.  

My Rant: eSports

No one who knows me would ever consider me to be a bonafide sports fan. I keep up with 1 sport, and root for 1 team… That’s about it. I don’t check player stats, team stats, or participate in any events, with the exception of major ones pertinent to the sport I care about (World Cup). Outside of that, I don’t know (or care) about sportsball.

DIY Smart Home with Home Assistant

I’ve been on a bit of a quest to find ways to link all the various smart devices I’ve acquired over the years. I have IKEA Tradfri lights, Osram (Now Sylvania) RGB bulbs, and BroadLink SP3 wireless outlets. Unfortunately, they all use different and not totally compatible solutions. Previously, I’ve used my Google Home to control my RGB lights in my bedroom and office, an IKEA Tradfri remote for my IKEA lamps in the living room, and an app on my phone to control my Wifi outlets.