Electric Love, Part 2


Welcome back to the fold, my friend. While it’s been far too long, I’m hopeful that our delayed separation gave you some time to do the Spring Cleaning we spoke of last time. A great man once mused “a clean desktop reflects a clean mind,” and that adage continues to hold true 10 minutes after it was formed. But what’s that? Your computer continues to run like a brontosaurus through a tar pit? Well then gather around the hearth, because there’s wisdom to be had.

How to Use Your iPhone Like a BOSS, Part I


Don’t let your iPhone take control of you.  Take control of your iPhone.  (I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds awesome.)

1. First and foremost, take care of your iPhone (or any phone, for that matter).  Don’t just throw it around or throw things at it.  Slap a screen protector on it, and encase it in something that’s not a used plastic baggie.  (Where to buy?)  Wipe your hands of dirt + food before tapping on it.  Once you’ve mastered that, you’ve not only entered adulthood, but you can read on to #2.

oh SNAP!


Sometimes the simplest features of technology – the ones you think EVERYONE knows – should be mentioned.  Because, well, not everyone knows.  Here are my top 5 favorite technology tricks (or shortcuts!), that I use on the daily:

1.    I’m in Outlook, I’ve composed my email, now I’m going to smack down on that special combo of Alt + S to Send my message.  I rely only on this keyboard shortcut to send email; ain’t nobody got time for mousing around.

Out of Support: IT and Life


Just like Windows XP, all good things must come to an end.  If you are reading this, and still have Windows XP installed, it’s time to buy a new computer.  As my time with Birds on a Cable comes to a close, I want to reflect back on some of my most memorable experiences. Before I fly the coup, let me leave you with my Very Profound Life Advice.

Electric Love, Part 1

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Greetings, traveler! Spring has arrived and with it, a return to the much-beloved Spring cleaning. “But Will, what is Spring Cleaning?” you may ask, if you are someone unfamiliar with American colloquialisms. Well Hans, Spring cleaning is a time once a year where everyone cleans the filth accrued from the three lesser seasons. Typically, this includes cleaning floors, dusting furniture, and de-molding your bathroom. But, my dear friend, what about your electronics?

Rubik Solutions

Back in high school, I spent the better part of a weekend procrastinating writing a paper by learning to solve a Rubik’s cube. I’ve had one since elementary school, and had become pretty adept at breaking it apart, then rearranging the pieces to solve it (it’s a great use for those PCI brackets you tend to accumulate when you upgrade your PC). I had spent several months prior trying to learn by brute force how to solve it. I was able to get one side, but was stuck after that. So I spent two days teaching myself, using online tutorials. At some point I also wrote a terrible paper that earned a C. In the end, I think I made the right call.

Does Your Desk Fit Your Body?


What does that even mean?  “Excuse me, do you have this desk in a size 8?”

What I’m referring to is proper office ergonomics – keeping the body aligned as we sit 8+ hours a day, staring at computers and each other.  Stop for a quick moment without moving – check yourself.  Whatcha doin’?  Are your shoulders more forward than your chest?  Is the natural curve in your low (lumbar) spine rounded (maybe pressed into the corner of your chair between the seat and the backing)?  Are you looking down or up at your computer screen?  Are you slouched and sitting low?  Do both feet touch the floor evenly?

Number Munchers


I recently took a trip down memory lane when CNN posted an article about the top 20 gadgets of the 1980s.  In an oddly sentimental way, I remember and used nearly all of them.  (and to some extent, still do.  My NES is connected and – though it freezes – is ready for DuckHunt or Marble Madness any night of the week.)