
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) are conducting groundbreaking research to support NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon. Central to this effort is the development of lunar construction techniques that utilize local resources, significantly reducing the need to transport materials from Earth. The astronauts are experimenting with creating concrete by mixing simulated lunar soil (regolith) with various binding agents in the microgravity environment of the ISS. This work is essential for future lunar bases, as traditional construction methods may not work in the Moon’s reduced gravity and harsh conditions.

Meet Bowie Command!

I got a new puppy! I’d love to introduce readers to Bowie and show off how cute he is!

We picked up Bowie on July 21st and it’s been a fun journey ever since, aside from the teething, of course. He’s a Cavalier King Charles, just like his “big” brother Karl, who I introduced in 2019. Bringing Bowie into the house was certainly an adjustment for all of us, but I’m so proud of the little guy. He’s been learning so much every single day. Experiencing a dog growing up and seeing their personalities is such a fun time. He’s been coming into the Nest (BOAC’s office) with me a couple of times a week, and I think the Flock enjoys the little guy hanging around.

The Almond Milk Olympics

In the spirit of the games, I struggled to think of three things to which I could apply medals. This was challenging, especially from a tech perspective, because I’ve used the same brand of laptop and phone for the last (almost) 20 years. The first thing that came to my mind was making homemade almond milk… soooooo I’m going with it. I am an almond milk latte kinda girl, so I’ve been practicing this method for quite some time.