Moving Hacks and Regrets

If I could go back in time and read this before we moved into our new home, I would. If you’re looking to move, check out some of these hacks. It’ll save precious time and money (and waste, if you’re into that).

First things first: check out Unpakt. They’ll help compare all movers in your area and find you the lowest cost.

 Pack Breakables with your Clothes*
Instead of using paper or bubble wrap, consider wrapping glass with a t-shirt or scarf. *

Cable Management
Need to organize your electric cords but you’re out of zip ties? Bundle them up, cut a toilet paper (or paper towel) roll lengthwise, and wrap it around your bunch.

Suitcases are Key!
Put all your heaviest items (books, dumbbells, anvils) in your empty suitcases. It’s the best way to manage and move your hefty things.

Hole It Up
Don’t waste your time carrying boxes without handles. MYO (make your own) holes. Cut an upside-down T-shape (or a rightside-up V-shape) in the sides of the box with a box cutter. Fold the edges up and voila!

Pack a VIP Box
Place all your essentials in this box (or bag). Toothbrush? Pillowcases/sheets? Paper towels? TP? Phone charger? Snacks? Check!

Happy moving and nesting!


*clean, please